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Agape Nutrition Health Blog

Arsenic-based Animal Drugs and Poultry

Arsenic-based Animal Drugs and Poultry

Arsenic-based Animal Drugs and Poultry Arsenic is a substance occurring naturally and is commonly found in its organic form throughout the environment, specifically in water, soil, air, and food. New scientific research demonstrates that organic arsenic, typically a less harmful or toxic form of arsenic, and the same type of arsenic contained in 3-Nitro® (roxarsone) - a drug
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Can Sugar Raise BP?

Can Sugar Raise BP?  It’s a common misconception that people must cut down on salt intake to reduce the risk of stroke, which causes about 3 million deaths annually all over the world. However, in new studies, researchers found that, in fact, sugar is more to blame for raised blood pressure than salt. The belief that blood pressure rises due to a high salt intake and leads to
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Food Allergies | Specific Cell Type Explains Dangerous Food Allergies

Food Allergies | Specific Cell Type Explains Dangerous Food Allergies

Food Allergies New findings released by researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center report the discovery of a new cell that seems to cause potentially fatal food allergies response and could explain the reason why severe allergic reactions actually occurs in the first place. How’d They Do That? Prior to the findings of this study, researchers were unable to 
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Mediterranean Diet Reduces Pain and Joint Swelling associated with Arthritis

Arthritis | Mediterranean Diet Reduces Pain and Joint Swelling associated with Arthritis

Arthritis Opting for a Mediterranean diet has demonstrated to help with a number of serious health conditions, including breast cancer, stomach cancer, and heart disease. Research has demonstrated that cancers and heart disease are often contributed to by the presence of inflammation in the body. Since arthritis, and especially rheumatoid arthritis, is directly affected by the
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Why Investing in your Brain Health is so Important

Why Investing in your Brain Health is so Important

Why Investing in your Brain Health is so Important We all know the importance of being physically fit with exercise and nutritious foods, but how often do you consider your brain health? When your brain is healthy and happy, your body can perform at optimal function. But what are the consequences of an unhealthy brain? And how do you invest in your brain health? Luckily, there
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Feeling Fatigued? These Foods and Supplements Can Wake You Up

Feeling Fatigued? These Foods and Supplements Can Wake You Up

Feeling Fatigued? These Foods and Supplements Can Wake You Up  A full 8 hours of sleep is supposed to be all you need to boost your energy and stay alert throughout the day. So why do you still suffer from morning and afternoon fatigue? Pouring yourself that second cup of coffee may seem like a good solution, but the slump that inevitably comes afterward can leave you feeling
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Why Personalized Vitamins are so Important?

Why Personalized Vitamins are so Important?

Why Personalized Vitamins are so Important? We all need vitamins, trace minerals, and other supplements to fill in deficiencies or to strengthen our health. However, not everyone can and should take the same vitamins, as your body is completely different than your mother’s, best friend’s, and neighbors. Each body requires different nutrients, exercise, sleep, and
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High-Fiber Foods for Health Benefits

High-Fiber Foods for Health Benefits

High-Fiber Foods for Health Benefits Fiber and your stomach bacteria are besties! As fiber travels from your stomach to your colon, it feeds the good bacteria in your stomach and benefits your body. It’s essential to include high-fiber foods in your diet for health benefits.  Adults should intake 25 to 30 grams of fiber through food per day. The current average fiber intake
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Prebiotics vs Probiotics: What You Should Know

Prebiotics vs Probiotics: What You Should Know

Prebiotics vs Probiotics: What You Should Know Keeping your stomach’s microbiome in check ensures that your gastrointestinal tract doesn’t cause any upsets as you work, sleep, and eat. Inside your stomach, you have a microbiome of bacteria called the gut microbiota. There is a difference between prebiotics and probiotics, and it is crucial to understand the difference before
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Benefits of Eating the Right Amount of Veggies and Fruits

Benefits of Eating the Right Amount of Veggies and Fruits

Benefits of eating the right amount of veggies and fruits Diets rich in fruits and vegetables help reduce the risk for numerous chronic health conditions that are leading causes of death all over the world, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Yet, only about one in 10 adults eat enough fruits or vegetables, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and
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Developments in Vaccine Creation

Developments in Vaccine Creation

Developments in Vaccine Creation   As we’ve all seen over the past year, science, and medical science, in particular, is a field where rapid developments are the norm and new discoveries are always just around the corner. The rush to create a vaccine to protect against COVID-19 has shone a light upon the multifaceted world of vaccine creation, revealing a promising new
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Shake Up Your Exercise This Spring

Shake Up Your Exercise This Spring

Shake Up Your Exercise This Spring Slowly but surely, spring is getting closer. For many of us, that means it’s about to get a whole lot easier to get outside and get moving. As the weather warms up and the sun stays out later, exercising outdoors starts to sound much more appealing. So whether you’re just getting started on an exercise routine or you’ve been diligently
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