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Agape Nutrition Health Blog

Eat More Greens for Chronic Kidney Disease

Eat More Greens for Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney issues and chronic kidney disease affect thousands of people each year. Besides taking over-the-counter medicine and trying to assume what to do, there is evidence that suggests that eating more greens can alleviate some of the issues.

According to a study posted in the National Library of Medicine, adding more greens to a daily diet may actually provide benefits that can help.
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Is Caffeine Correlated With Type Two Diabetes?

Is Caffeine Correlated With Type Two Diabetes?

It might be tempting to overlook that cup of joe sitting in front of you and associate it with health risks, but it’s always important to be aware. Starting off the day with a hot cup of coffee is what millions of people do daily, but is it really something that is good for health? If you have Type 2 diabetes......
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Walnuts for Heart Health

Walnuts for Heart Health

While it should come as no surprise that eating nuts is an important part of a healthy diet, there have been few discussions happening on how walnuts specifically affect the heart. Is there any correlation between eating walnuts to help to have a healthy heart?

According to NMCD, there seems to be evidence supporting the fact that eating walnuts can have an overall positive effect on the heart.
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DAO-Hist: What you need to know

DAO-Hist: What you need to know

Have you ever eaten a certain type of food or drank something and afterwards felt as though your head hurt and your stomach was aching? This may be a key indicator that you have a histamine intolerance and do not even know that you do.
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New Modes of Treating Breast Cancer

New Modes of Treating Breast Cancer

Are there new possible modes for treating breast cancer? According to a study at the Cleveland Clinic, there may be new options coming soon. 

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Turmeric Associated with Liver Injury

Turmeric Associated with Liver Injury

Does the use of turmeric cause potential liver issues? This is the question that is on everyone’s mind. According to a study posted in The American Journal of Medicine, results are pointing to a connection between the two.
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Kidney Function, the Heart, and What Those Have to Do with Diabetes

Kidney Function, the Heart, and What Those Have to Do with Diabetes

Recent studies have shown that the kidneys and heart may play a part in diabetes, and it’s a study that is important to pay attention to.

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Adjunct to Chemotherapy

Adjunct to Chemotherapy

While most people who are undergoing treatment for various cancers will be using chemotherapy as their main option for trying to beat and defeat the issue, there are several studies out there that show the potential benefits of challenging chemotherapy to restore platinum sensitivity in cells.

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Kidney Function, the Heart, and What Those Have to Do with Diabetes

Kidney Function, the Heart, and What Those Have to Do with Diabetes

Diabetes isn’t a new illness or disease. In fact, millions of people deal with varying degrees of diabetes and treatment options daily. While some are able to manage it on their own accord, other’s lives depend on getting the correct dosage of medicine daily to help balance out their bodies.
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Correlation between HPV and Heart Disease

Correlation between HPV and Heart Disease

Understanding the importance of whether HPV is linked to cardiovascular issues is essential because there are over 150 types of HPV that are currently active and diagnosed. 
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May Need to Supplement New Treatment for Hepatitis B

May Need to Supplement New Treatment for Hepatitis B

In a recent study affiliated with University College London, Kings College Hospital London, and Kings College London, research doctors found that the “[p]rophylactic vaccination alone will not alleviate the burden of hepatitis B”.
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Gut Microbiome: The Key to Long-Lasting Health

Gut Microbiome: The Key to Long-Lasting Health

Good health begins in the gut. The gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome. These microorganisms play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our digestive system, immune system, and overall health. Let’s explore the importance of the gut microbiome and how to maintain a healthy balance for long-lasting health.
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