About Protocols
Welcome to the protocols section. Our protocols are simple instructions on how to use nutritional supplements for a particular problem. There may be many ways to treat a particular problem. These protocols should be viewed as one possible solution.
Important Protocols to Remember!
Types of Protocol for Your Child:
The protocols may need to be modified to meet your child's needs. You may not need to use the supplements in a given protocol to get a good result. There is no guarantee that any of these protocols will work for your child. In practice, we frequently change our treatment plans based on how a child reacts to the supplements and you should do the same.
Different Types of Protocol and Their Functions:
As we add more protocols, you may find some duplication. That is because there are many supplements that may be helpful for a particular problem. If one version of the protocol is not working as well as you like, or your child is having difficulty with one of the supplements, use an alternative supplement. Or, an alternative protocol may work better.
Medical Protocol Examples:

A general rule in adding supplements to an autistic child's routine is to make small changes. Add only one supplement at a time. This allows you to see if the child is responding well to the supplement or if a particular supplement doesn’t sit well with your child.
Medical Protocols Guideline on Adverse Reactions:
It is not unusual for some supplements to cause an initial adverse reaction in a child, especially detoxification supplements. This does not mean that your child is allergic or is not responding to a supplement. If detoxification occurs too quickly, you may see an adverse reaction that can be controlled by reducing the dose.
Use of Protocols in Medicine:
Protocols generally can be used together. For example, you may be using certain supplements for a bowel cleanse in one protocol and another protocol to help your child sleep. Again the general rule is to go slow when making small changes.
Like many guidelines, a treatment protocol isn't the only method you can follow. Some protocols and their functions may be exclusive to certain supplements and ailments. But, we hope these protocols have been helpful. Our goal is to provide you with information that is both helpful and easy to understand. Your feedback is helpful in improving the quality of the information we provide.
Have you tried any of our protocols before? Which protocols did you find most helpful? Which protocols do you want to know more about? Share your thoughts and experience with us in the comments below!
Up Next: How To Detox Correctly and Incorrectly. Learn the Right Way!
Editor’s note: This post has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the nutritional products mentioned is intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure, or Prevent Any Disease.