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Biofilm Defense | Natural Bacterial Biofilm Treatment

Biofilm Defense | Natural Bacterial Biofilm Treatment

Biofilm defense helps fight bacteria and fungi-infested biofilms that cause recurring infections in ill children and adults. Read on to learn what you can do to strengthen your biofilm defense.

In this Article:

  1. Understanding Biofilm
  2. How a Biofilm Is Formed
  3. Where Do Biofilms Grow in the Body?
  4. Break Down the Biofilms with the Use of Enzymes and Chelators
  5. Add in Antibacterial and/or Antifungal Agents
  6. Clean Up the Dead Bacteria and Fungi with Binding Agents
  7. Additional Reminders

Here Are the Steps for Biofilm Defense Procedure

Understanding Biofilm


While it’s important to know about the biofilm defense protocol, learning about biofilm is also crucial.

Known as slimy films, biofilms contain mucous and minerals that form protective layers over bacteria and fungi. That means biofilm actually nurtures harmful bacteria and fungi, allowing them to grow and multiply right under the host's nose. It also helps these dangerous foreign organisms evade the body's immune system. If left untreated, the bacteria and fungi living in biofilms become immune to antibiotic treatment in the long run.

How a Biofilm Is Formed

The bacteria or fungi stick to a certain surface. It then creates a polysaccharide matrix that houses several minerals. These minerals may include iron, calcium, or magnesium, depending on the most accessible at that moment. The biofilm then changes its pH, allowing the bacteria and fungi housed in it to build an immunity to some antibiotics. It also requires very little oxygen and minerals to become a haven for bacteria and fungi. With the biofilm bacteria, patients with fungal or bacterial infections will only grow sicker. Now they would have chronic infections not easily curable by most antibiotics.

Where Do Biofilms Grow in the Body?


Biofilms are mainly found in places ripe for infections, especially those associated with surgeries and endoscopic procedures. They are also found along nasal passageways and the gastrointestinal tract. These places, especially the GI tract, have a large area where bacteria can grow and flourish. It also receives a lot of nutrients on a daily basis, keeping the bacteria in the biofilms well-fed and primed to grow more.

People with GI tract problems become more prone to biofilm formation because of the lack of viscoelastic mucus. This mucus helps to protect the gut from dangerous food. However, people with gut problems and diseases may be missing this protective layer of mucus. Dangerous bacteria can easily latch onto a surface in the GI tract, multiplying and resisting antibiotics.

Here are the steps for the biofilm defense procedure:

1. Break Down the Biofilms with the Use of Enzymes and Chelators

For an effective biofilm treatment protocol, we use Interfase Plus or SPS30 alone or Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase in combination. Interfase Plus is good because it contains a chelating agent for biofilm defense.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Enzymes: You give this on an empty stomach along with a chelating agent. Taking this with food isn't good because these will only break down the food and not the biofilm. Also, this is to bind up the heavy metals and other minerals for the biofilm defense.
  • Chelating Agent: You can take this with the enzymes. Interphase Plus is a combination of enzymes and chelators. It generally works best. Wait for 30 to 60 minutes for the enzymes and chelators to work.

2. Add in Antibacterial and/or Antifungal Agents

Treating biofilms naturally can be possible through herbal preparations with antibacterial and/or antifungal agents. You can also use medications with the same properties. Antibiotics and antifungals or both are good examples. Moreover, you can use medications with this protocol of biofilm defense. As long as you have a prescription, it's fine.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Killing Agents: Add the antifungal and/or antibiotic herbs or medications. To reduce adverse effects, you can generally take these with meals to reduce problems with stomach irritation along with Oxyperm.
  • Antibacterial/Antifungal Agents: ProEnt2 Capsules, ADP (not suitable for small children or those who don't swallow pills, as the taste is very strong), Olive leaf extract, Grape seed extract, Biocidin or similar product.

Tip: Flagyl, Vancomycin, and/or antifungals such as Diflucan, Nystatin, and Amphotericin are medications commonly prescribed to treat digestive tract dysbiosis.

3. Clean up the Dead Bacteria and Fungi with Binding Agents

Take binding agents at bedtime. Binding agents will bind and prevent the absorption of nutrients. So, you can have someone take binding agents at least an hour before sleeping.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Binding Agents: We recommend a combination of products such as Elmnx or ExTox. You can also use a variety of agents. Some of these include modified fruit pectin, activated charcoal, true fiber, etc.
  • Protective Agents: Oxyperm antioxidant made for the digestive system is our recommended product. You can take this with meals three times a day. This helps reduce die-off reactions that can occur.
  • Probiotics: You use this to help rebuild and restore normal flora. So, take it on an empty stomach once or twice daily.

Duration: One must follow the biofilm defense protocol for 4 to 6 months.

Additional Reminders

Don't be alarmed if you see biofilm in your stool. An abnormal looking stool in this biofilm defense step is normal. A Herxheimer reaction, a flu-like reaction that occurs when fungus or bacteria release their toxins, is also normal. If these are intense, you need to reduce the dose of the killing agent. You also need to increase the dose of the binding agents. We often substitute high-dose probiotics for the killing agents for a couple of months. If side effects are too severe, then start adding in the killing agents one at a time.

Toxic biofilms are the reason children are resistant to treatment or hit plateaus. This is why biofilm defense is here to resolve illness issues and to help maintain good health.

Did we miss anything in our biofilm defense protocols? Tell us in the comments section below!

Up Next: Making A Firm Diagnosis Of Fibromyalgia And Understanding Its Pathophysiology

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the nutritional products mentioned is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Editor’s Note – This post was originally published in 2014. It has been updated for quality and relevancy.