Foods To Eat And Avoid On A Candida Diet
Reduce the risk of Candida overgrowth that often leads to infection by starting your Candida diet today. Read on for our list of foods to eat and avoid below.
In this Article:
Candida Diet | What's Good to Eat and What's Not
Candida albicans Definition: A part of the human body's natural flora along the GI tract, vagina, and mouth, but may cause infection if overgrowth happens.
What to Eat

One of the best ways to reduce the risk of Candida yeast infection is to opt for gluten-free foods. Gluten can create health problems not just for those who have celiac disease, but also for those who don't have it. What gluten can do is cause a chronic inflammation in your gut that may affect the lining in your intestines. So to help you kickstart your diet, here are some non-glutinous grains you can replace your regular bread and pasta with:
- Quinoa
- Oat Bran
- Brown rice
- Buckwheat
- Amaranth
- Millet
- Sorghum
2. Low-Sugar Fruits
While fruits are generally known to be an essential part of a balanced diet, some of these contain high levels of sugar that can trigger Candida overgrowth. Candida albicans need sugar to reproduce and expand their colonies in your gut. Also, sugar help Candida create biofilms that protect them from your immune system. You don't want that. So as early as now, switch to low-sugar fruits and make it a habit to avoid sugar in general. To further guide you in your Candida diet, here's a list of fruits low in sugar that you can eat:
- Orange
- Lemon
- Lime
- Watermelon
- Avocado
- Kiwi
- Strawberries
- Raspberries
- Blackberries
- Cantaloupe
- Olives
- Grapefruit
- Apples
- Peaches
3. Non-Starchy Veggies

Similar to fruits, there are types of veggies that are good for you, and then there are some that are not. If you want to reduce the risk of Candida infection or get rid of it at all costs, then eat only non-starchy veggies. Again, our goal is to remove sugar from the picture so that the Candida colonies will starve and will stop reproducing. Here's a list of common non-starchy veggies you can start munching on:
- Asparagus
- Artichoke
- Broccoli
- Zucchini
- Eggplant
- Bamboo shoots
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Cabbage
- Brussel sprouts
4. Healthy Proteins
Proteins are also recommended for those who are taking their Candida diet seriously. As you cut sugar and carbs from your diet, your body needs nutrients to recharge, and proteins are a good choice to fill your calories up. Chicken, beef, eggs, and fish-- just take your pick and eat these meats moderately. For a safer diet, here are a few things to consider when eating meats:
- Opt for organic and fresh meat packed with nutrients.
- Limit your red meat intake for better digestion and to avoid gastrointestinal tract infection.
- Choose the pasture-raised and hormone-free meat.
- Stick to smaller fish to avoid contaminants.
5. Fermented Foods

Another way to keep your gut clean and healthy is by fermenting your foods. Doing this will help increase the good bacteria in your gut, getting rid of the bad ones that may soon cause Candida infestation. Probiotics help regulate gastrointestinal pH which promotes healthy digestion.
What Not to Eat
6. Processed Meats
As much as you love eating bacon, and regardless of how much protein you can get from it, processed meats are not good for your Candida diet. Processed meats are bad for you because they promote inflammation in the gut, and there's a higher risk of bowel cancer for those who consume these regularly. Also, processed meats are packed with sugars, sulfates, nitrates, and dextrose which promote the reproduction of Candida colonies. So to protect your gut from harmful elements, here's a list of common processed meats to avoid starting today:
- Salami
- Bacon
- Spam
- Lunchmeat
- Ham
- Sausage
- Beef jerky
- Canned meat
- Corned beef
- Cured meat
- Smoked meat
7. Large Fish

While fish is a good source of protein, you must watch out for large fish, because they often contain toxins and contaminants. Large fish such as tuna, swordfish, and king mackerel are some examples of what fish you should avoid. Because these fish have been in the ocean for a longer time, they may contain mercury and heavy metals that are bad for your health. These harmful elements are known to damage the immune system and are not recommended if you're taking the Candida diet.
8. Dairy Products
Because of the lactose and casein, dairy products must also go from your list of foods to eat on your diet. Most people have latent sensitivities to cow's milk, so start limiting your milk and cheese consumption or avoid these if you can. Probiotic yogurt and kefir are okay to stay on your plate because these are fermented and your gut can benefit from these two dairy products.
9. Refined Vegetable Oils
These types of oils are bad news for your health, especially if you're already suffering from symptoms of a Candida yeast infection. These vegetable oils are bad because they're over-processed, making you prone to chronic inflammation. Instead of using refined vegetable oils such as sunflower oils, opt for the ones that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as olive oils.
10. Caffeinated Drinks

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea stand in the middle between good and bad. People who are on the Candida diet often avoid caffeine just to be safe. If you find coffee's or tea's health benefits too good not to take, then you can always continue drinking these. Just take note of the following if you ever include this in your diet:
- Minimize your caffeine intake if you often feel restless and burned out. This might be a symptom of Candida yeast infection you don't want to worsen.
- Drink coffee in the morning only so you won't have any trouble sleeping at night.
- Watch out for your blood sugar whenever you intake caffeinated drinks.
- Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach to protect your gut from potential irritations.
Follow a diet similar to the oh-so-well-known candida diet from Candida Crusher:
Opting for organic choices and avoiding sugar is the key to a healthier gut. Aside from referring to our list of foods to eat and avoid on the Candida diet and Candida cleanse supplements, be sure to check with your doctor regularly. Doing this won't just give you a shortcut to a healthy gut, but it will also promote your body's overall health and wellness.
Which foods do you include in or exclude from your Candida diet? Tell us in the comments section below!
Up Next: Symptoms Of Candida Overgrowth And How To Treat It
DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the nutritional products mentioned are intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Any Disease.
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