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High-Fiber Foods for Health Benefits

High-Fiber Foods for Health Benefits

Fiber and your stomach bacteria are besties! As fiber travels from your stomach to your colon, it feeds the good bacteria in your stomach and benefits your body. It’s essential to include high-fiber foods in your diet for health benefits. 

Adults should intake 25 to 30 grams of fiber through food per day. The current average fiber intake for adults is about 15 grams per day. This nutrient gap can cause long-term health issues.

Benefits of Dietary Fiber

If you’re not feeling up to speed, your gut is usually the first culprit. Fiber aids the digestive tract in many ways, including these below:

  • Cholesterol reduction - Soluble (water absorbent) fiber has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels, especially in those with diabetes
  • Slow to digest - Fiber takes longer to digest, promoting the feeling of being full for longer. In addition, high fiber foods low in calories aid in a healthy weight.
  • Speeds up digestion - By naturally adding bulk to the digestive tract, your intestines are stimulated to rid themselves of waste. This is ideal for those who struggle with constipation.

Remember that high-fiber foods are important to your diet, but it’s best to consume them over a few days to avoid bloating, gas, and general discomfort. 

Foods with High-Fiber & Good Dietary Fiber


Here are five delicious high-fiber foods that are not only satisfying but good for your gut and dietary needs.

  • Lentils - Buy these grains in bulk and season yourself a soup! The average fiber content of lentils is 13.1 grams per cup of cooked lentils.
  • Oats - Not only can you make oatmeal with oats, but you can also bake sweets. 16.5 grams per cup of raw oats is the average fiber content. 
  • Sweet potatoes - You can fry, chop, bake, and devour sweet potatoes. They’re highly nutrient in beta carotene, B vitamins, and trace minerals. Their fiber content is about 3.8 grams per medium-sized potato without skin. 
  • Artichokes - Don’t knock the artichoke until you’ve roasted them, used them in dip, or even pasta. You’ll find about 6.9 grams of fiber in 1 raw artichoke. 
  • Carrots - Root vegetables are powerful, especially the carrot. Not only are they high in vitamin K, B6, magnesium, and other antioxidants, but 1 cup of raw carrots has about 3.6 grams of fiber.

If you’re searching for a dietary supplement to fulfill your fiber needs, Agape Nutrition has just the thing. Their DaVinci Labs Clearly Fiber supplement supports bowel movements and all-around stomach bacteria stimulation.