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Professional Supplements & Nutritional Products Since 1998
May Need to Supplement New Treatment for Hepatitis B

May Need to Supplement New Treatment for Hepatitis B

In a recent study affiliated with University College London, Kings College Hospital London, and Kings College London, research doctors found that the “[p]rophylactic vaccination alone will not alleviate the burden of hepatitis B”. Worldwide, the doctors note, hepatitis B is not well screened, tested, or treated, which contributes to its large mortality rate. Dr. Dusheiko, Dr. Agarwal, and Dr. Maini found that “innovative curative strategies” could be revolutionary for treating chronic HBV, especially in light of the “inadequate” levels of “diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B”.

Currently, there is no one way to treat hepatitis B, though treatment is paramount for prolonging life, health, and reducing the risk of liver cancers. While the vaccination might do a pretty good job of protecting a person from getting hepatitis B, it is not foolproof. Nor is it widely accessible, which means that many people are still susceptible.

Supplementation may be one of the innovative modes of treating and preventing HBV, which is where we come in.

We’ve focused primarily on supplements geared to promote liver health and restoration, as that is the source of the hepatitis B infection.

Hepato Protect by Protocols For Health

Hepato Protect contains the amino acid N-acetyl-L-cysteine, a key component of glutathione—a tripeptide that plays a significant role in detoxification and antioxidant support,” which makes it an ideal supplement for promoting a healthier immune system, prepared to combat serious infections like hepatitis B.

If you are interested in Hepato Protect, you can check it out here at Agape Nutrition. 

Pure Essence, LiverEssence™ 30 and 60 Vegi-Caps

LiverEssence “help[s] relieve liver blockages, and through its cooling nature, the bupleurum and dong Quai combination address the issues that holistic health systems identify as liver blockage and congestion.” By pairing milk thistle’s silymarin (and subsequently silybin) (which supports the liver) with phospholipids, this supplement ensures that your body will absorb and utilize the helpful nutrients to aid your liver. No other liver support system enhances your body’s L-Glutathione  (an antioxidant) levels like this one.

Interested in Pure Essence’s LiverEssence to strengthen your liver? You can check it out here at Agape Nutrition.

For a full list of our liver-supporting supplements, you can visit our website here. Interested in reading more about liver care? Check out our blog “How to Keep Your Liver Healthy” for more helpful tips.

While getting the HBV vaccine might only be the first step to combating hepatitis B, innovative and holistic treatments like supplementation may be paramount to effectively treating the auto-immune disease.

For more information and resources on hepatitis B, please visit the Hepatitis B Foundation’s website here.

Also be sure to check out Liver Life 4 oz Revitalizing Liver Tonic by BioRay.