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Professional Supplements & Nutritional Products Since 1998
Methylation Defect Issues

Methylation Defect Issues

Methylation Defect!

Methylation Defect issues are present in virtually all children. Problems with methylation result in low Glutathione. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant and plays a big role in detoxification.

The most commonly known Methylation issue is with MTHFR (Methylene Tetra Hydra Folate Reductase). This is a family of enzymes in the Methylation Defect pathway. The most researched Methylation enzymes are MTHFR 677 and 1298. The numbers refer to where the anomaly occurs on the gene. The 677 is the most researched of these anomalies.

The anomalies are either Heterozygous (Dissimilar) or Homozygous (Similar). These anomalies come from our parents. A Heterozygous means one of the pair of genes is involved. In other words, There’s one normal gene from one parent and one anomaly from the other parent. These anomalies are SNPs (Pronounced Snips). If it affects both genes, then it’s Homozygous.

See this short video explaining the concept. If the anomaly is Heterozygous, Then the efficiency of the enzyme decreases by around 30 percent; if Homozygous, Then the efficiency can drop to 20 to 30 percent of normal. There are usually multiple SNPs affecting Methylation Defect, and it's the combination of these SNPs that cause a major Glutathione deficiency.