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Top 5 Natural Ways to Improve Sleep for Some Well-Needed Rest and Relaxation

There’s nothing more natural than sleep itself. After all, it’s something your body is programmed to do naturally in order to survive and thrive. However, despite it being an incredibly natural process, it also happens to be one of the most common things people have difficulties doing. And considering your mind and body needs sleep in order to function properly, having difficulties sleeping can significantly impact your emotional, mental and physical health. It isn’t all bad news though, as there are some amazing – and natural ways to improve sleep, allowing you to finally get the rest and relaxation you need to not only survive, but to also thrive.

Light Therapy

Natural sleep aid, natural ways to improve sleep, restful sleep, restorative sleep, light therapy, sleep dietary supplements, natural sleep supplements,

Bright light therapy is often recognized for its ability to drastically improve depression and anxiety, specifically during the winter season. However, it’s just as effective at improving sleep and has even been dubbed as one of the best natural remedies for treating insomnia.

But how does it work, you ask?

Light therapy transmits 10,000 lux lighting to your brain, which activates photosensitive receptors that affect neural circuits through neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin.

In terms of improving your sleep, light therapy is believed to regulate your body’s sleep patterns, while also adjusting your circadian rhythm, which is a 24-hour internal clock that cycles between alertness and sleepiness. So, if you suffering from drowsy slumps around the same times every day, it’s likely that your circadian rhythm is out-of-sync.

Sleep Reset Drink Mix

Natural sleep aid, natural ways to improve sleep, restful sleep, restorative sleep, light therapy, sleep dietary supplements, natural sleep supplements,

Enjoy a delicious drink mix that supports your body’s natural ability to fall asleep and to stay asleep. Sleep Reset Drink Mix combines effective levels of Glycine (an amino acid that promotes deep, restorative sleep) and melatonin, to help you get a good night’s rest each and every night.

End Fatigue Revitalizing Sleep Formula

Yet another powerful and natural dietary supplement that will work wonders for promoting a restful sleep is the End Fatigue Revitalizing Sleep Formula. This natural sleep aid combines a synergistic blend of healthy herbs designed to support your body’s ability to fall asleep. When used regularly, it can help maintain a healthy sleep cycle moving forward.

ProThrivers Wellness Sleep

Combine melatonin, l-theanine, magnolia and magnesium together in one dietary supplement, and you get ProThrivers Wellness Sleep. This natural sleep aid is designed to support your overall well-being and energy levels by allowing you to finally get a supportive healthy sleep. The unique thing about this natural sleep aid is that it comes from ProThrivers, a line created with guidance from Lise Alschuler, a respected naturopath for over 20 years.

Vegan, Gluten Free, Non-GMO EcoSleep

EcoSleep is an excellent dietary supplement for anyone looking for a quality, healthy, non-GMO, gluten-free vegetarian/vegan sleep aid option. It’s created with a unique blend of botanicals and nutrients designed to promote a restful and restorative sleep, as well as a healthy sleep cycle moving forward if taken regularly.

This advanced blend provides you with the healthy ingredients you need to maintain healthy circadian rhythms and to support relaxation and restorative sleep, so you can wake up feeling refreshed.

Sleep is vital to proper brain functioning and without a good, restorative sleep each night, it can seem impossible to get through the day; doing so effectively and productively is even more difficult. However, you don’t need a prescription and the risk of harmful side effects just to get the rest and relaxation you’re in desperate need of. Instead, all you need are these natural dietary supplements and sleep aids that are designed to support and maintain healthy circadian rhythms and restorative sleep.