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Recession-Proof Your Health

Recession-Proof Your Health

The experts have been warning us of a recession. Many families are already feeling the crunch financially as prices at the pump and the checkout lanes are at highs many of us have never seen before. With so much stress and uncertainty, now is the time to take steps to recession-proof your health. Let’s look at three areas of focus to make this happen.

Immunity is key at any point in time. Being able to fight off viruses and infections and protect our body systems is so important. Getting sick is expensive and time-consuming. The good news is that many of the things we can do to boost our immunity are free, easy, and benefit the other two areas we’ll talk about. The best ways to boost immunity include:

  1. Get enough sleep. Sleep and immunity are closely tied. Making adjustments to your sleep routine won’t break the bank, but getting sick could.
  2. Eat more whole plant foods. Choosing fruits and veggies over processed foods, buying from the farmer’s market, and packaging whole food snacks yourself is not only cost-effective but better for your health.
  3. Eat more healthy fats. 
  4. Eat more fermented foods or take a probiotic supplement.
  5. Limit added sugars. 
  6. Engage in moderate exercise. Going for a walk at lunch or trying an online yoga practice are two examples of activities that will not only keep you healthy but help manage stress as well.
  7. Stay hydrated. Need we say more? 
  8. Manage your stress levels. Breathing, meditation, exercise, good sleep, and setting boundaries with work and family can all help you manage your stress levels. See our previous blogs for more information.
  9. Supplement wisely. If you are going to spend your hard earned money on supplements, choose wisely. Look for high-quality multi-vitamins that will give you more bang for your buck. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Echinacea, and Garlic all work hard to keep your body protected.

Diet greatly affects not only your bank account, but your overall health. Many of us are seeing the results of a four-decade high in inflation when we head to the checkout, so considering our diet can help us thwart a recession. It can be easy to see cheap processed foods and feel like we’re saving money. However, these foods end up costing us more in the long run. Our diet affects our sleep, mental performance, emotional state, and sleep/rest cycles.

  1. Get back to basics. Try buying oats and making your own at home. Overnight oats with maple syrup, almond milk, apples, walnuts, and vanilla can be made for pennies a serving. Washing and chopping your own produce, packaging your own snacks, and making flavored water instead of bottled or canned beverages can all save money as well as boost your immunity.
  2. Try meatless once a week (or more). Meat prices are high and going higher, so having “Meatless Monday” is a good way to save some money and try something new. Beans are high in fiber and when paired with rice or other complex carbohydrates, make a complete protein. Falafel, veggie burrito bowls, veggie filled protein pasta, and exotic dishes, such as kitchari and curries, are full of flavor and easy on the pocketbook.
  3. Focus on fresh fruits and veggies, quality fats and protein (even if in smaller amounts), as well as healthier carbohydrates. No need to stop there! Don’t skip the flavor! Try new spices or marinades to power up your plate.

Stress is the last area we’re focusing on. Not only does stress make difficult times harder to handle, but it affects our emotional and mental state, our sleep, and our health. Many self-care and stress management activities are no to low cost and simple to do. The trick is making the time and doing them consistently. 

  1. Exercise- You knew we were going to say it. If it’s hard for you to make time for simple and easy exercise, try telling yourself “just five minutes”. Take a five-minute walk, five minutes of stretching, five minutes of yoga, five minutes of dancing…we all have at least five minutes a day to improve our health. Moving our bodies helps work stagnant emotions and trauma out of our tissues and helps us relax.
  2. Mindfulness- Gratitude changes our brains to look for the good in each day. Breathwork helps calm our nervous system and oxygenates our brain and body. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress, control anxiety, improve emotional health, enhance self-awareness, improve attention, and may help fight addiction and age-related memory loss.
  3. Diet- what we consume both physically and on our screens affects our stress level and how we respond to stress. Implementing the tips above and curbing your screen-time diet will help you manage your stress better. 

None of us can control whether or not a recession is coming. However, what we can control is ourselves and how we prepare and respond to what may be happening around us. Focusing on your immunity, your diet, and your stress level is the best way to take control of your future and whatever may come your way.