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Understanding Reflexology: What are the Benefits?

Understanding Reflexology: What are the Benefits?

More and more, more people across the country are showing interest in holistic medicine. As it starts to become more mainstream, many patients are seeking holistic options for managing, preventing, and even treating ailments. One of the most popular practices is reflexology, but this exercise often is misconstrued and lumped together with massage. In reality, it is much more than that, and there are many benefits of reflexology.

How Does it Work?

Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is a popular form of holistic medicine. It focuses on applying pressure to specific areas of the hands and feet. The theory behind the practice is that various organs and functions in the body correspond to different areas of the hands and feet. When a doctor applies pressure, it promotes healing and relaxation to that organ or functionality.

For example, if you have issues with your sinus, a reflexology foot map shows that applied pressure to the tips of your toes can cause stimulation in the sinuses to encourage healing and relaxation. On the other hand, if there is significant pain to the top of the toes when pressure is applied, that could signify an underlying issue.

Benefits of Reflexology

Aside from the general effects of healing and relaxation, a few different reflexology benefits make it a popular option within holistic medicine. Not only is the practice beneficial to the specific organs, body parts, and functions it targets, it also tends to support the body as a whole.

Increase Blood Circulation

Like massage, reflexology increases blood circulation throughout your body. The pressure on the feet and hands prompts oxygen-fueled blood to circulate throughout the body more efficiently. In turn, the blood reaches your vital organs and enhances functionality. And when your body receives more oxygenized blood, it promotes healing and regrowth of contaminated or damaged cells.

Eliminate Toxins

Increased blood circulation also prompts the body to eliminate toxins by improving bladder function. With fewer toxins in the body and a more efficient system to remove them, you protect yourself from diseases and other ailment.

Improve Nerve Function

Reflexology stimulates nerve functions by opening and refining neural passageways, which are like muscles in that it’s essential to keep them active. As a result, you improve brain functionality, information flow, cognitive reactions, and memory.

Reduce Headaches

A common use of reflexology is to help those who suffer from headaches and migraines. These are often physical symptoms of psychological factors. By stimulating blood flow, relieving muscle tension, and creating a relaxing environment, patients can alleviate the symptoms.

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