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ayurvedic medicine

What is Ayurvedic Medicine?

In order to understand holistic medicine, it is helpful to learn about Ayurveda. Meaning “The Science of Life” in Sanskrit, Ayurveda is an ancient practice that originated in India. Ayurvedic medicine relies on a natural approach to addressing physical and mental health. Combining plant-based, and sometimes animal-based products, with diet, exercise, and lifestyle, you can experience the benefits of this holistic approach to medicine.

Of course, you may be asking, is this healthy? Should I stop taking my doctor-prescribed pills? The answer is, yes, Ayurveda is healthy for your body when done right, and no, don’t stop taking those pills. Ayurvedic is not an end-all, cure-all, however when used in conjunction with Western medicine, Ayurveda can actually help your body to recover from allopathic surgeries and medicines.

For example, in 2013, a clinical study compared two Ayurvedic plant formulations to the natural product of glucosamine and the drug celecoxib in a sample size of 440 people suffering from knee osteoarthritis. It turns out that all four products, Ayurvedic and Western, yielded similar results for pain relief and joint improvement.

Ayurvedic Philosophy

This ancient practice bolsters prevention and encourages the maintenance of your body’s health. Many who practice Ayurveda focus on their mind’s and body’s balances, and the movement of energy through their body’s systems.

When applying an Ayurvedic practice to your life, it is common to pair your lifestyle with herbal formulas. Connecting to energy throughout the mind and body makes it easier to notice imbalances that require medical attention or lifestyle changes.

Where Western medicine tends to focus on symptoms and disease, Ayurveda applies to strengthening the body after a surgery or month of antibiotics. Holistic medicine like Ayurveda usually turns your attention to energy that flows through your body. It is an act of noticing and recognizing an absence or presence of pain, sickness, mental stability, or other emotions.

Energy Within

Energy is a main player in Ayurvedic medicine. Feeling the mind-body connection rush through you, through meditation or exercise, is a great way to focus your energy and acknowledge the part energy plays in healing and feeling good. Many holistic supplements originated from Ayurvedic practice. Today, you can find herbal remedies, like turmeric, ginger, and cardamom, on your local grocery store’s shelves. Turmeric, ginger, and cardamom are great for reducing inflammation and supporting your body’s immune system.

Many Ayurvedic-based supplements you find today are meant for daily intake because they put emphasis on the preventative benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. Rather than confronting a cold when it ails you, taking the correct supplements everyday could strengthen your immune system so you don’t get that cold in the first place.

Modern Ayurveda

Agape Nutrition offers many supplements based in Ayurvedic practice. Ashwagandha is one supplement that helps maintain healthy stress levels and support the adrenal, cognitive, and immune systems. This plant is common to India and can be found in powder or capsule forms. Another Ayurvedic plant-based supplement is Cumin, which helps the body eliminate unwanted microorganisms that cause problems with the digestive system. Cumin is commonly used to maintain the digestive system’s healthy functions by reducing bloating and excesses of gas.

As you can see, much of our holistic practices today originate from the Indian practice of Ayurveda. It is great to learn the background of and understand where much of Western holistic medicine gets its knowledge from. Taking the time to learn  about Ayurveda can begin your holistic journey.

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