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What is Neuropathy and How is it Treated

What is Neuropathy and How is it Treated?

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a condition linked to the damaging of the peripheral nervous system. It is known to cause weakness, pain, and numbness. This pain is generally in the extremities of the body, such as the hands and feet.  When the peripheral nerve is damaged, the messages that your brain and spinal cord send to your body get blocked and mistranslated. It can hard your body’s temperature regulation, reflexes, and more.

Who Gets Neuropathy?

There are a few things that can cause Neuropathy, all of which can cause damage to the nerves. Medical conditions, such as diabetes, alcoholism, and traumatic injury, are the leading causes. Other options are various types of infection. It’s estimated that 50 to 70% of people with diabetes have Neuropathy. You should never ignore long-lasting and new aches and pains. The symptoms of Neuropathy can be slow or sudden.

What to Look Out For?

If you think you might have the start of nerve damage and Neuropathy, then take a look at the following list to see if you have any of the related symptoms. Note that each set of symptoms comes from a different part of your nervous system. This is because where you are affected may differ from where another person is affected most. If you notice a trend, talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you.

Motor Nerve Symptoms

  • Muscle weakness
  • Trouble moving your arms and legs
  • Muscle spasms or twitching
  • Decreased reflexes

Sensory Nerve Symptoms

  • Tingling or numbness
  • Increased Sensitivity to touch
  • Decreased sensitivity to touch
  • Loss of reflexes or coordination

Autonomic nerves

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness when changing position
  • Over-Sweating
  • Trouble Swallowing

How Do You Treat Neuropathy?

How you should treat Neuropathy depends on the cause. Traditional treatments include physical therapy, surgery, or injections. In addition, over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or aspirin can be used to reduce the pain. However, there are natural treatments that can help reduce symptoms, as well.

1. Vitamins

If your Neuropathy is related to vitamin deficiencies, then vitamin B could help you. Vitamin B, such as vitamin b12 or vitamin b6, is vital for nerve health. Though most people will get enough from their meals, some may need a vitamin supplement. Talk to your doctor and make sure that you don’t take more than they recommend as this could worsen symptoms. Other vitamins that could help include Vitamin D though walking outside more is often the perfect way to get enough of this vitamin.

2. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is hot due to a chemical called capsaicin. This addition is what makes peppers spicy. However, it’s also used in many topical creams for its pain relief abilities. Eating more spicy food, using a topical capsaicin ointment, or taking a capsaicin supplement can help to reduce pain without taking Advil or Tylenol.

3. Quit Smoking

Smoking narrows the blood vessels throughout your body. This leads to improper blood circulation and increased numbness and pain from your Neuropathy. If you want to improve your symptoms, stop smoking. In addition, if you stop smoking, you will also create other positive changes in your health and life.

5. Exercise

Regular exercise serves as a way to reduce the symptoms of many health-related issues. It’s a great way to reduce blood sugar, increase blood flow, combat pain, and improve health. A healthier body can also lead to a slow down of nerve damage.


While prevention is the ultimate medicine, sometimes it isn’t possible. Working to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level, reducing the alcohol you drink, stopping smoking, and focusing on your health can reduce symptoms and keep you healthier.

Natural remedies are a great way to see if your symptoms can be helped without medication. However, you should always talk to a doctor prior to starting a new treatment method. If you see side effects from natural or prescribed remedies, talk to a doctor right away.

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