Understanding and Controlling Covid-19
Treating Covid-19 with glutathione and lipoic acid case reports and explanation of the mechanism of action. In the video, we mention 2 cases we now have more cases with the same results, which is a rapid reduction of symptoms within 24 hours of the treatment. I recommend watching Med Cram number 69 to understand the biochemistry as it will help you understand why this treatment is working.
Update: We now have quite a few patients all with the same rapid improvement with treatment with either IV glutathione and lipoic acid or oral supplementation.
Time Stamps:
0:55/4:52 Cytokine Storm
1:38/4:32 High levels of antioxidants:
2:37/4:32 Treating Covid-19
Dr. Smith is an integrative physician who specializes in getting to the root cause of disease. He maintains an integrative medical practice focusing on allergy, autoimmunity, digestive complaints, and joint pain. He is the owner of Agapé Nutrition an online nutritional supplement store.
Dr. Smith’s Clinic:https://nwimed.com
Agape Nutrition Blog: https://blog.agapenutriton.com
Store: https://agapenutrition.com
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