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Professional Supplements & Nutritional Products Since 1998

Achieve total body detoxification & boost your immune system by removing heavy metals and chemical toxins associated with poor health & unhealthy weight gain. Clinically proven formulas ACS 200 Silver & ACZ Nano Zeolite Extra Strength are recommended by doctors worldwide.

This unique system includes:

  • ACS 200 Silver Extra Strength
  • ACZ Nano Zeolite Extra Strength.


ACS 200 Extra Strength detox spray achieves 99.9999% (complete) kill against Borrelia burgdorferi, Candida albicans, and MRSA as proven via independently derived in vitro, benchmark kill-time studies.

Satisfaction Guaranteed:
We guarantee ACS 200 Extra Strength to be the most effective medical-use silver you have ever prescribed.

Comprehensive Toxin Reduction:
ACZ nano Extra Strength body detoxification spray effectively eliminates the body's burden of toxic heavy metals, neurotoxins, and free radicals.

Maximum Toxin Uptake:
ACZ nano Extra Strength has been shown to increase urinary output of Mercury by up to 55,300% over baseline during only 12 hours of post-provocation urine collection.

Nano Technology:
ACZ nano Extra Strength natural detox spray employs nano size and a significantly greater number of zeolite crystals per dose than other zeolite products, providing far greater surface area and superior results.

Advanced Cellular Technology:
Delivers the power of each ingredient in the most effective manner possible; achieving maximum results without stomach discomfort or side effects. No capsules or pills, Results RNA Extra Strength Intra-oral sprays are immediately absorbed, simple to take, and have a pleasant taste. Just spray, swish, and swallow.

Total Body Detox Extra Strength: The New Protocol:
The need for detoxification is based upon the principle that immunodeficiency, inflammatory and degenerative diseases from allergies to arthritis to Alzheimer's result from the toxic, accumulative effects of poisonous substances and pathogens within the body.

Detoxify your patients with a proven detoxification protocol. Total Body Detox Extra Strength, comprised of ACS 200 Extra Strength and ACZ nano Extra Strength provides systemic, concomitant reduction of pathogen and toxin burden with exceptional patient outcomes.

ACS 200 Extra Strength: Antifungal, Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antiparasitic:
The leading silver-based supplement in multiple independent comparison studies, ACS 200 Extra Strength achieves 99.9999% (complete) kill against Candida albicans, Rhinovirus, and MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in less than 3 minutes as proven via independently derived in vitro, benchmark kill-time studies. ACS 200 Extra Strength is the only antimicrobial proven to kill Borrelia Bergdorferi, the Lymes Disease-associated pathogen. When choosing an immune system support formula, efficacy and safety are the only two factors that truly matter. Without harming the gut flora ACS 200 Extra Strength provides fast and significant relief.

ACZ nano Extra Strength: Binds and Expels Toxic Heavy Metals, VOCs, Radioactive Toxins, Free Radicals, and More.
A powerful oral chelating agent, ACZ nano Extra Strength selectively and irreversibly binds and removes toxic heavy metals, such as Mercury and Lead, chemical toxins, VOCs, radioactive toxins, and free radicals of all types through the urinary tract, without removing vital nutrients. These results have been verified in multiple, independent urine challenge studies. ACZ nano Extra Strength is the only detoxification product formulated to remove fluorine and chlorine, two of the strongest oxidizing agents known and found in most drinking water.

Reduce Toxic Body Burden of Pathogens and Toxins:
Toxic Body Burden defines the accumulative and devastating interrelationships between pathogens and toxins. To reduce Toxic Body Burden (TBB), both pathogens and toxins must be eliminated concomitantly by an effectual, multifaceted approach providing both treatment and prevention. The combination of ACS 200 Extra Strength and ACZ nano Extra Strength effectively reduces TBB.

The overwhelming success of this approach supports the premise that TBB leads to immunodeficiency; the body's own immune cells are incapacitated in areas of compartmentalized toxicity, whereas pathogenic microorganisms multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way. Pathogens such as Candida albicans have now been proven to utilize biofilms to bind toxic heavy metals such as mercury to protect themselves from immune cells within the body. ACS 200 Extra Strength has been proven in vitro to penetrate biofilms and terminate infectious microbes on contact. Toxins of all types are effectively harnessed and expelled from the body using ACZ nano Extra Strength.


ACS 200 Extra Strength Ingredients:
200 Parts Per Million Advanced Cellular Silver in Sterile Water.

Offered in 2 oz and 4 oz Intra-oral Sprays.

ACZ Nano Extra Strength Ingredients:
Activated Sub-micronized Clinoptilolite Zeolite and Natural Minerals in Sterile Water.

Offered in 2 oz and 4 oz Intra-oral Sprays.

* % Daily value not established

Directions for Use:
Take 12 sprays of each formula twice daily for heightened support, or 6 sprays of each formula twice daily for health maintenance.

Take each formula individually by mouth, swish, and then swallow. The formulas can be taken in any combination without waiting in between dosing and can be taken with food or without, at any time of the day. Always remain well hydrated when taking the sprays.

There are rarely any side effects experienced when taking the Results RNA formulas at the lower or higher dose. There are no contraindications when taking antibiotics. Regarding patients who are in a very weak state of health, it is sometimes best, to begin with, a smaller dose and increase the dose over time.

2oz Formula:
Provides 30 days of support when administered at the standard dose (6 sprays, twice daily).