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Professional Supplements & Nutritional Products Since 1998
  • Daily homeopathic preparation
  • Can be helpful with physical imbalance or structural torque, as well as for mental or emotional confusion
  • Assists in strengthening conditions associated with the brain, nerves, nervous tension, general spasm, pressure/tightness in internal organs, energy imbalances, or pulling in the muscles.
  • Promotes a healthy family of emotions related to false pride and shame
  • Can combat a range of symptoms
  • May aid in feelings confusion and nervousness
  • Recommended dose: Spray 9-12 (approximately 1/2 tsp), three times a day


AgapeNutrition.com Special Offer: Buy any 6+ bottles of NET Remedies and get 1 Free Guide! Must add guide to cart to receive offer.


#11 VISCERAL POLARITY® is recommended for any physical imbalance or structural torque, as well as for mental or emotional confusion. Some of the direct physical indicators for this remedy are conditions associated with the brain, nerves, nervous tension, general spasm, pressure/tightness in internal organs, energy imbalances, or pulling in the muscles.


The #11 Visceral Polarity formula corresponds with brain and nerve-related conditions, as well as the family of emotions related to false pride and shame. The #11 Visceral Polarity formula is recommended for conditions associated with spasms, a feeling of being torqued, pressure, and tightness in the body, as well as for a lack of general emotional, physical or mental balance. Additionally, NET Remedies® #11 Visceral Polarity can offer relief for the symptoms of confusion and nervousness, difficult breathing, difficulty swallowing, digestive spasm, esophagus spasm, fatigue, heartburn, hiatal hernia, lack of balance, gastric reflux, stomach problems, and nerve-related stress.


Aconitum Napellus, Argentum Nitricum, Chininum Arsenicum, Echinacea Purpurea, Ferrum Cyanatum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Humulus Lupulus, Ignatia Amara, Nux Vomica, Passiflora Incarnata, Phosphous, Plumbum Metallicum, Sepia, Sulphuricum Acidum.



Spray 9-12 pumps (approximately 1/2 tsp.) directly in mouth 3 times a day or as directed by a licensed health care practitioner. When appropriate also spray externally on complaint area 3 times daily.

Inactive Ingredients:

Citric acid, Potassium sorbate, Pure water.

Physical indicators:

Conditions associated with the brain, nerves, nervous tension, general spasm, pressure/tightness in internal organs, energy imbalances, or pulling in the muscles.

Emotional indicators:

False pride, humiliation, false self-assuredness, bashfulness, embarrassment, self-consciousness and any feeling of disharmony.