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Professional Supplements & Nutritional Products Since 1998
  • Daily homeopathic preparation
  • Can be helpful with bronchial conditions, excess mucus, congestion, diarrhea, or constipation.
  • Assists in strengthening large intestine and ling related conditions
  • Promotes healthy mood from emotions related to being dogmatic and grief
  • Can combat a range of symptoms
  • May aid in feelings of weakness, pain, tearfulness, weeping and weak memory.
  • Recommended dose: Spray 9-12 (approximately 1/2 tsp), three times a day


AgapeNutrition.com Special Offer: Buy any 6+ bottles of NET Remedies and get 1 Free Guide! Must add guide to cart to receive offer.


The #2 Metal formula corresponds with large intestine and lung-related conditions, as well as the family of emotions related to being dogmatic and having grief. Other physical indicators for this remedy are associated with the sense of smell, the nose, mucus, body hair, and the skin. Also think of using this formula for sad situations like funerals, etc.


Additionally, NET Remedies® #2 Metal can offer relief for the symptoms of chest congestion, constriction, pressure, dry and spasmodic cough, gout, hearing problems, hoarseness, laryngitis, nose discharge or dryness, sense of smell problems, sensitivity to noise, pain, touch, slow comprehension, tearfulness, weeping and weak memory.


Physical indicators: Bronchial conditions, excess mucus, congestion, diarrhea, or constipation.

Emotional indicators: Prolonged grief, crying, compelled to neatness, defense, sadness, yearning, cloudy thinking, and anguish.


Alumina, Ammonium Carbonicum, Anacardium Orientale, Antimonium Crudum, Hydrastis Canadensis, Ignatia Amara, Magnesia Phosphorica, Natrum Muriaticum, Nitricum Acidum, Osmium Metallicum, Paraffinum, Senna, Silicea, Spongia Tosta.



  • Chest constriction/pressure
  • Bronchitis
  • Large Intestine discomfort
  • Prolonged feelings of grief
  • Chronic cough
  • Frequent crying/weeping
  • Sore or dry throat
  • Hoarseness, laryngitis
  • Nose discharge, dryness
  • Lung congestion
  • Asthma-type conditions
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Skin rash or eczema
  • Sinus/nasal symptoms



Spray 9-12 pumps (approximately 1/2 tsp.) directly in the mouth 3 times a day or as directed by a licensed health care practitioner. When appropriate also spray externally on the complaint area 3 times daily.

Inactive Ingredients:

Citric acid, Potassium sorbate, Pure water.

The organs and meridians associated with #2 Metal are the lunges and large intestines.