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Professional Supplements & Nutritional Products Since 1998
  • Daily homeopathic preparation
  • Can be helpful with family of emotions related to being vulnerable and muddled thinking
  • Assists in strengthening small intestine, heart, thyroid, adrenals, sex organs, and pituitary-related conditions
  • Promotes healthy mood from emotions related to being dogmatic and grief
  • Can combat a range of symptoms
  • May aid in the feelings of hormonal problems, hot flashes, restless sleep, menstrual problems and more
  • Recommended dose: Spray 9-12 (approximately 1/2 tsp), three times a day


AgapeNutrition.com Special Offer: Buy any 6+ bottles of NET Remedies and get 1 Free Guide! Must add guide to cart to receive offer.


The #5 Fire formula corresponds with the small intestine, heart, thyroid, adrenals, sex organs, and pituitary-related conditions, as well as the family of emotions related to being vulnerable and muddled thinking. Other physical indicators for this remedy are associated with the complexion, tongue, sweat gland, and anything associated with hormonal problems. Additionally, NET Remedies® #5 Fire can offer relief for the symptoms of alcohol craving, appetite decreased, asthma, blood vessel problems, burning in palms of hands and soles of feet, circulation and heart irregularities, edema, eyes burning, bloodshot or swollen eyes, face flushing, headache from the sun, hormonal problems, hot flashes, restless sleep, menstrual problems, the stress in general, sweating problems, swollen gums and uterus and/or ovary pain.


Help Relieve:

  • Blood vessel/circulation irregularities
  • General stress
  • Alcohol Craving
  • Decreased appetite
  • Eyes burning, bloodshot, swollen
  • Sun headache
  • Restless sleep, vivid dreams
  • Burning in the hands and soles of feet
  • Sweating problems or hot perspiration
  • Tightness in internal organs
  • Edema and swelling
  • Face flushed, livid
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen gums



Apis Mellifica, Baptisia Tinctoria, Baryta Carbonica, Hamamelis Virginica, Kali Bromatum, Kali Phosphoricum, Lachesis Mutus, Lilium Tigrinum, Petroleum, Phosphoricum Acidum, Spigelia Anthelmia, Sulphur, Veratrum Viride.



Spray 9-12 (approximately 1/2 tsp.) directly in mouth 3 times daily or as directed by a licensed health care practitioner when appropriate spray externally on complaint area 3 times daily.

Inactive ingredients:

Citric acid, Potassium sorbate, Pure water.