PHI energyDots, SmartDOTs 2 Full Sets

SmartDOTs - 2 Full Sets in Package:
Value Package - 2 full sets of smartDOTs
A 50% savings on the 2nd set of DOTs
An $99.90 value for those with multiple devices with Wi-Fi functions.
Place 1 gold and 1 silver on smartDOTs on your cell / smart phone, iPAD, tablet, or any electronic equipment that you use frequently that has Wi-Fi capacity. The smartDOTs change the EMF waves by transforming them.
Use SmartDOTs for:
- Smart phones
- Devices with Wi-Fi options
- Smart / cell phones / iPHONEs
- Wi-Fi Modems, routhers, & booster
- Computers / Laptops
- Utility smart meters (electric / gas / water)
- Solar panel inverters (converts DC to AC)
- Security system components
- Alexa / Echo / Sensor devices
- Vehicle electronics
- Microwave ovens
- Cordless phones
- iPADs / Tablets
- Baby monitors
- Smart TVs
- All electronics
Money Saving Tip:
The smartDOTs package replaces the electroDOT and wi-fiDOT. Order the smartDOTspackage and receive both an electroDOT and wi-fiDOT. They can be used more economically on specific devices.