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Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide IV Protocol for Covid-19

Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide IV Protocol for Covid-19

Hydrogen Peroxide IV Protocol

Oxygen Activated D5W IV

This protocol is for use by licensed health care providers only.

I am Dr. Stephen Smith, an integrative medicine physician, and I find the reporting on the increasing death toll very upsetting knowing that the oxidative protocols I use in the office on a regular basis could prevent the majority of these deaths. 

Dr. Robert Rowen used IV ozone to successfully treat the Ebola virus. In the 1918 flu pandemic, a hospital in India used IV hydrogen peroxide to treat its worst patients, and they reduced the death rate from 80 percent to 48 percent. (See the link below.)

Oxidative therapies have shown to be effective against enveloped viruses such as some strains of the flu, Ebola, and Covid-19, but to my knowledge, there are only a couple of trials in progress but have not yet reported. Most oxidative therapies use ozone or UV light that requires special equipment. However, if you dilute IV hydrogen peroxide, you can use oxidative therapy without any special equipment. The IOMA (International Oxidative Medicine Association) has studied and refined hydrogen peroxide protocols over many years to the point where there is a fairly standardized protocol that is effective and safe for a wide variety of medical conditions.

This procedure uses dilute hydrogen peroxide 0.03% combined with D5W to create an oxidative burst. The concentration of peroxide used is 100 times more dilute than 3% household hydrogen peroxide. A more appropriate name would be an oxygen-activated D5W solution. The advantage of this oxidative therapy is it doesn’t require any special equipment and the reagents are readily available through compounding pharmacies, such as McGuff.

Even trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide can be hard on the peripheral veins if there is not enough catalase present, which catalyzes the conversion of peroxide to water and oxygen. Trace amounts of manganese, which is a catalyst as well, ensure that adequate amounts of catalysts are available. When administered via a central line, peroxide is usually not a concern. 

Once the solution mixes with blood, the hydrogen peroxide molecules in the solution release various oxygen species and energy and water. This provides an oxidative burst that is toxic to both bacteria and viruses. Oxidative medicine physicians have used this protocol for years to treat the flu and other viral infections.

Dilute IV Peroxide Protocol

Materials Required:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide USP 3% (to be diluted to 0/03%)
  2. D5W 250, 500, or 1,000 ml bags
  3. Manganese 2 mg/ml (trace element)
  4. Magnesium (chloride or sulfate) sulfate 50% is preferable

The Mixture:

 Dosing Table

D5W 250 ml 500 ml 1000 ml
Hydrogen peroxide USP 3% 2.5 ml 5.0 ml 10.0 ml
Manganese 2.5 mg/ml 0.25 ml 0.5 ml 1.0 ml
Magnesium sulfate 50% 4.0 ml 7.50 ml 15.0 ml


Osmolarity:   The osmolarity of these solutions is approximately 300 mOsm or neutral. Software used to calculate osmolarity: McGuff Osmolarity Calculator

Infusion Rate:

The IV is given over a minimum of 90 minutes (1gtt/second) This will take longer for larger infusions.


This formula has been found to be both effective and quite safe. 

For flu and Covid-19 patients, start with a 1,000 ml bag of dilute peroxide and D5W solution administered at a rate of Dilute 1ggt/second or 90 minutes per 250 ml of solution. Continue the IV until you see a clinical response or until the patient has received a total of 1,000 ml. If there is inadequate or no response, the IV should be repeated the following day. If there is a response, repeat the IV but reduce the volume to 500 ml. If there is no response after 3 IVs, it is unlikely there will be a response.

Expected responses:

  • Drop-in respiratory rate
  • Rigors followed by a drop in temperature
  • Coughing during the infusion can occur. This typically will stop when the infusion stops.
  • There may be profuse mucus production after the first IV
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Once the crisis resolves, the patient may take another week to recover.


  • Don’t use concurrently with IV vitamin C because vitamin C will deactivate the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Reduce extra sources of oxygen during the time the IV is being given, if possible, since this can also reduce effectiveness, i.e. nasal O2, etc.
  • Do not mix with amino acids.
  • If a central line is available, it is the preferred method of administration.
  • In some cases the patient will start coughing during the infusion, this is a normal response and typically will stop after the infusion is discontinued.
  • Manganese and magnesium both reduce local venous inflammation at the insertion site.
  • Magnesium increases the osmolality of the solution to above 280 mOsm/L goal 300 mOsm/L or higher. MgCl can also be used. MgCl has mOsm of 2.9/L versus 4.06/L for Magnesium Sulfate. If MgCl is used, multiply the volume of Mg solution used by 1.4 to maintain osmolarity.
  • The manganese acts as a catalyst and increases the rate of conversion of H2O2 to water and oxygen by about 1,000 times. This also reduces localized inflammation. 
  • This is an exothermic reaction, and the energy released is crucial for success.
  • Testing the solution: Put a drop of the solution on a drop of dried blood; you should see an immediate reaction.
  • Catalase in the patient’s blood catalyzes the reaction. In patients with low catalase, the manganese will ensure conversion.
  • Stability: This solution is stable for about five hours.
  • Moribund patients may require multiple IVs.
  • Check phosphorus levels on all Covid-19 patients as low serum phosphorus levels are associated with poor outcomes in Covid-19 patients and is easy to correct.


The Feb. 21, 1920, article in Lancet reported the use of IV hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of influenza pneumonia in 25 hopeless patients. They reported a positive response rate in the sickest patients in the hospital. Treated patients had 48 percent mortality compared to 80 percent mortality in the untreated. Of the 25 cases, 13 recovered, and 12 died. The patients selected were either in a coma or delirious and in restraints. The average respiratory rate was 46 with a high of 60 falling to an average of 31 within 24 hours of the infusion. Pulse rate dropped from an average of 118 to an average of 98. Fever dropped from 101.8 average to normal in all but two cases. In all cases, the patients experienced rigor followed by a drop in temperature. 

Some of the patient responses were quite remarkable, formerly delirious patients were sitting up in bed and requesting food within a few hours of the treatment.

We have now passed 100,000 deaths in this country from a similar flu-like illness. It seems to me it is long past time to try oxidative treatments, which have shown to be effective in influenza and even Ebola (Rowen). Other oxidative protocols use ozone, which requires an ozone generator or a UVBI machine, which are probably not available in most hospitals. 

The problem is, to my knowledge, there is no published protocol for a physician to try. These protocols are typically taught in an oxidative medicine seminar and have not been published online.

I am providing this protocol, which I hope may save some lives. This protocol has been used for many years by oxidative practitioners. The reagents are readily available from compounding pharmacies such as McGuff.


“The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this protocol. 


Lancet article on IV peroxide in the 1918 flu pandemic

Rowen on Ozone and Ebola

Protocol in Google Docs Engl