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Professional Supplements & Nutritional Products Since 1998
Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolutions

How Agape Nutrition Can Help You Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolutions

The virus was not the only downside to 2021. After 2020 expired, we all looked forward to normalcy. Sadly, 2021 said, “Hold my beer!”  

Most of us suffered from Pandemic Belly: the inability to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine due to COVID-19 restrictions, new social norms, and other interruptions. Still, the New Year inspires us to begin the year and be better. 

The most popular goals for improvements are always those that require us to do something. Losing weight, starting a healthier diet, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking all point to a commitment to changing habits over time so new habits emerge that maintain our lofty goals.

Resolutions are NOT made to be broken.

Why do we bother every New Year’s? Psychologists and sociologists tell us that we look at a new year as a time for a fresh start. We contemplate what happened in the past year, and  we want to do better. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that optimistic people who set New Year's resolutions are 10 times more likely to change their behavior. If you don’t aim high, you’ll never get there.

5 Strategies for KEEPING resolutions

Keep your goals simple and realistic. If you want to drop 50 pounds - it is going to take a lot of work, focus and time. By February, if significant improvement isn’t seen, many give up. Instead, break the goal down into doable steps. You could lose a few pounds in a month, then repeat it each month and achieve the big goal.

Change is a process. There will be setbacks. If your goal is to maintain a healthy diet or switch to a vegetarian diet, a dinner with a client or boss could be out of bounds but necessary. Indulge, then refocus your energy to get back on track.

Support is an important part of staying on track. Having your loved ones on board with your goals and keeping temptation away from you is helpful. On the other hand, if they taunt and tease you,, you may avoid them out of guilt and give up. Positive feedback is stronger than negative.

If you plateau before you hit your goal, it’s normal. Your body changes and then adjusts. It hopes you are going to go back to filling it with sweets again like before. You may not bet losing like you hoped, but you will; stay the course. Renew your motivation, perhaps modify your plan. But do not give up.

Finally, find products that are affordable and effective, like elastic bands for resistance exercises you can do anywhere, or our Ketogenic program that turns fat into fuel.

Resolutions are not set in stone

The only constant in your path to success will be change. Your gains will start small but they’ll accumulate and grow. You are making a permanent change in your behavior. It will accomplish what you hope, as long as you stick to it.