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List of Foods to Buy Organic | The 10 Organic Groceries you Actually Need

List of Foods to Buy Organic | The 10 Organic Groceries you Actually Need

Carry this list with you the next time you shop for organic groceries. Modern methods of farming include the use of deadly chemicals like pesticides, which in turn make agricultural produce dangerous or even lethal for human consumption. There are at least 10 common fruits and vegetables found to contain most of these toxic pesticide residues. Make sure to buy these as organic foods that are toxin-free to keep your body healthy and safe.

10 Farm Produce to Put in Your Organic Groceries List

In this organic foods list:

  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Cherry Tomatoes
  4. Cucumbers
  5. Grapes
  6. Peaches
  7. Potatoes
  8. Spinach
  9. Strawberries
  10. Peppers

1. Apples

Apples | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Conventionally grown apples contain the highest traces of pesticides in supermarkets than any other crop. Even after washing the apples, there are still 48 types of pesticides, according to the Environment Working Group (EWG). Farmers use a wide range of chemicals on apple crops because they're highly susceptible to regional insect infestation and blights.

The skin of this fruit absorbs these pesticides to fight these environmental problems, but the chemicals remain in the fruit long after harvest. In addition to the absence of chemicals in organic apples, their skins contain 15 percent more antioxidants than non-organic apples.

2. Celery

Celery | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Celery has no protective skin, so this farm produce is vulnerable to contact with insecticides and pesticides. The stocks of this vegetable are also porous, making it easier for celery to retain up to 13 different types of pesticides used in growing it.

Use organic celery in your stir-fry dishes, salads, stuffings, juicing, or as a snack. Packing celery with a serving of peanut butter is a healthy snack for the kids. This organic vegetable is often popular around the winter holidays.

3. Cherry Tomatoes

Cherry Tomatoes | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


In the EWG study, a single sample of cherry tomatoes tested positive for 13 different pesticides. Because of the way they grow in dense clusters, there are more surface areas to spray, which results in more chemicals on the fruit. A lot of the pesticide residues found on cherry tomatoes are probable carcinogens, hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, and developmental toxins. Their thin skins make it easy for chemicals to leach into the flesh of the fruit.

4. Cucumbers

Cucumbers | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


In the 2013 EWG study, there were 69 types of pesticides found on non-organic cucumbers. It is one of the most contaminated foods. It may be difficult to find organic farm produce like cucumbers. So if you cannot find organic, peel the cucumbers because the waxes on the skin that make them shiny tend to hold onto chemical treatments.

5. Grapes

Grapes | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Grapes ripen quickly, so they're more prone to mold and insects. This is why farmers heavily spray grapes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Pesticide Data Program found grape crops contained 34 pesticide residues, four of which are known to be or are probably carcinogenic. When tested, imported Chilean grapes contained 17 various chemicals.

6. Peaches

Peaches | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Peaches are one of the fruits that are sprayed with the highest amounts of pesticide. In the weeks before harvest, conventional farmers spray peaches with pesticides to guarantee perfect-looking fruits on the shelves. Even if you wash and peel a non-organic peach before eating it, it will be impossible to get rid of all 62 pesticides found by the Department of Agriculture. Its thin skin easily allows the pesticide to enter the fruit.

7. Potatoes

Potatoes | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Even root vegetables that grow underground are susceptible to chemical treatment. Potato vines grow above the surface, and farmers regularly spray them with pesticides when conventionally grown. Farmers also treat the soil with a fungicide to further prevent diseases like potato blight. For this reason, the average potato contains a higher total weight of pesticides than any other edible crop.

8. Spinach

Spinach | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Farmers spray non-organic salad greens, especially spinach and lettuce, with potent pesticides right onto their leaves. Organic farmers combat the insects and worms that like to snack on these vegetables by using traps, non-toxic repellents, and mesh nets to keep natural attackers at bay. If possible, when buying organic groceries make sure spinach is on the list.

A study by the USDA showed traces of permethrin. This pesticide is banned in Europe and the EPA has labeled it as a weak carcinogen. Some of the samples they tested exceeded the legal amount according to USDA.

9. Strawberries

Strawberries | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Strawberries are delicate fruit with thin skin that's prone to growing fungus. To combat this, conventional farmers spray them with pesticides that linger even after they hit the produce section. The nooks and crannies in strawberries may also contain a higher concentration of pesticide compound. Experts have detected almost 60 different types of pesticides in washed strawberries.

10. Peppers

Peppers | List of Foods to Buy Organic | The Organic Groceries You Actually Need | Organic Foods List


Peppers, especially sweet bell peppers, are highly susceptible to insect infestation. So when they're grown non-organically, they're generously sprayed with insecticides. Their thin crunchy skins absorb pesticides like a sponge. Testing showed 50 different pesticides on sweet bell peppers, so try to stick to organic peppers.

A lot more people are buying organic sweet bell peppers. It's a staple food in a lot of households and commonly used in organic salads. Some people also cut it into small pieces and serve as bite-size appetizers or snacks.

Download, save or share this infographic about the farm products you need to buy organic for your next groceries list:

Agape Nutrition | Farm Produce You Need To Buy Organic | Organic Foods List


It's not enough that you eat any type of fruits and vegetables just to become healthy. One must also keep in mind this list of foods to buy organic to ensure you won't put pesticide residues and other harmful agriculture chemicals in your body. Try shopping at an organic grocery store or a natural grocer to be sure you’re buying toxin-free foods.

Do you know of other foods you should buy organic that should be on this list? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the nutritional products mentioned are intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure, or Prevent any Disease.
Editor’s Note - This post was originally published in 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
ARTICLE SOURCE: We have not modified the factual content from this source on buying organic food. This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is strictly for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of the commercial purpose of this blog.