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Why Does Our Skin Produce Oil? And What is Anti-Aging? 

Everyone’s skin produces oil. Oftentimes, oily skin is considered bad. But this is a common misconception. Our skin’s oil production has a multitude of benefits, one being protection against damage, which includes visual indicators and side effects of aging. It can be upsetting to see wrinkles and dull, loose skin appear with age, so it is important to care for your body, especially your face. The skin is the body’s largest organ and it is important to maintain its health. It protects and insulates your body, but can be affected by changing environment and nutrition.  

What is natural skin oil?

Inside the skin are sebaceous glands which produce a fatty substance called sebum through holocrine secretion. Sebum is your face’s natural skin oil, and it acts as a natural lubricant. In addition to keeping your skin supple, sebum also regulates the body’s temperature. For example, when you encounter a particularly hot room or humid day, you sweat. That is your skin naturally cooling down. Sebum also conserves your skin’s water loss and protects against damaging chemicals.

An overproduction of sebum can cause oily skin. This can result in clogged pores and acne. However, this substance aids in wrinkle prevention and keeps your skin from becoming flaky. .

Our skin also produces collagen and elastin, vital proteins that protect against aging. They work with sebum to maintain a youthful appearance. Collagen keeps your skin bouncy and full, while elastin keeps your skin firm and tight so as to prevent deep wrinkles.   

Anti-aging Methods

Natural skin oils can protect against harmful free radicals with the help of antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, and A. With a balanced diet and proper skin care, you can help your skin produce natural oil that softens your ascent into aging. 


There are many foods that aid in your skin’s production of antioxidants, collagen and elastin. Many foods contain natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories which prevents redness, dehydration, and keeps your skin’s appearance healthy. 

Vegetables and fruits are great for your skin. Leafy greens like kale help your skin keep its hydration locked in. Green tea is also a great choice to keep your skin calm. Don’t forget about your vitamins. Vitamins A, E, and C are very important for your skin’s health. Tomatoes and carrots are full of great antioxidants that keep your skin well nourished. Nuts and oils are very good for your collagen production. Inflammation can also be lessened with the natural fat inside of nuts. 

Always go for a lot of color on your plate. The more variation, the better. And, always, always, stay hydrated. Simply drinking enough water each day will make a huge impact on your body’s functions, beyond just your skin. 


It is important to keep your face’s skin clean and protected. Washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser and applying moisturizer can maintain your skin’s softness and bounce. Gentle cleansers are important for keeping your protective barrier intact. Furthermore, sunscreen, no matter your skin’s sun tolerance, is the most important step for keeping your face protected and safe from the harsh Ultraviolet rays of the sun. 

Natural Oil Production

Remember that your skin knows how to protect itself, but with the correct routine and diet, you can ensure wrinkles won’t appear too early or deepen too noticeably. Remember the importance of drinking water, wearing sunscreen, and eating healthy.  

Want to get a good seat on the anti-aging train? Try this dietary supplement which promotes good collagen and vitamin C production. Also, it tastes great.

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