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Combating Seasonal Depression During COVID-19

As the thrill of the holidays is entirely behind us, you, like millions of other Americasmay start feeling more and more depressed. Pair that seasonal depression with the ever-present COVID-19 pandemic, and you may feel as though the winter blues are never-ending. Luckily, there are ways to combat your symptoms with some healthy habits and natural supplements.

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COVID-19 Escalates the Symptoms of S.A.D.

Millions of people suffer from seasonal depressions or seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.), especially throughout January and February. People who suffer from S.A.D. may show symptoms such as:

  • Overeating
  • Oversleeping
  • Feeling with withdrawn
  • Gaining weight 
  • Having low energy

Many of these symptoms are due to an insufficient amount of sun that can lead to an imbalance of melatonin or vitamin D deficiency. This year’s seasonal funk may feel especially strong with the global pandemic’s impact. Being quarantined and away from loved ones for so long and unable to keep up with your daily routine can increase the feeling of being withdrawn or having low energy while also increasing the access and ability to overeat or sleep. Through a mixture of exercise and creating social engagement, you may be able to decrease the effects of your seasonal depression and get back to a more positive mindset.

Get Up and Get Outside 

One of the best ways to combat seasonal affective disorder is by getting up and getting outside. If you can bundle up and go on a walk, or take up an outdoor winter sport, even for just an hour, you’ll help stimulate your body into making vitamin D. If it is too cold or the weather conditions make going outside impossible, try moving your exercise equipment near a glass window so you can soak up the sun.

If push comes to shove, make sure you are up and moving and combine your workout with a supplement. Agape Nutrition has many supplements specially formulated to help you get the vitamin D or melatonin you need to help give your mood the boost it needs. The exercise combined with the supplement will help combat many of the symptoms found with seasonal depression.

Get Social Safely

Another way to fight off the winter woes is by staying social. Once winter is in full force, it can feel like it is time to hunker down and hibernate. With COVID-19 isolating us from our loved ones, this solution can be a bit tricky. However, you can still be the social butterfly you were born to be with a little creativity. Schedule regular Skype/Zoom calls with family and friends, use the group features on large streaming apps like Netflix and Disney + to have a simple movie night, join an online exercise class and kill two birds with one stone. Whatever you do, stay connected to your loved ones and avoid being completely isolated for too long.


Seasonal affective disorder can be wearing on your mental health, and when you pair it with COVID-19, you can feel completely overwhelmed. But it is manageable. Stay active, find creative ways to spend quality time with your loved ones, and add a supplement that is curated to help with depression if you need a little extra assistance.