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Agape Nutrition Health Blog / Heart Disease Prevention

Wheatgrass Fad or Hack?

Wheatgrass Fad or Hack?

Whether in your local juice bar or when buying treats for your cat, you’ve probably heard of wheat grass. But like the juice bar says, wheatgrass isn’t just ‘cat grass’, but potentially the new star of naturopathic health. We here at Agape Nutrition will give you a comprehensive overview of wheatgrass, so you can decide for yourself whether this spindly green plant is right for you!
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Heart Disease Prevention Information

Heart Disease Prevention Information

The causes of heart disease are mainly lifestyle related. Smoking, unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise are possible causes. Let's get to know lifestyle-related cardiovascular conditions and how you may prevent them. Causes of Heart Disease | Living the Best Life! In this Article: Congestive Heart Failure How Nutrition Can Help a Damaged Heart High-Dose CoQ10 to
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