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What Makes Holistic Medicine, Holistic

What Makes Holistic Medicine, Holistic?

Holistic medicine is a type of health care that considers the whole body and overall health. They look at the mind, body, spirit, and emotions when looking to make a person healthy. Unlike traditional healthcare, a holistic physician will look at conventional medication, spiritual counseling, natural healing, and massage therapy.

Principles of Holistic Medicine

Just as doctors practicing conventional medicine are board-certified, so are those looking at the holistic approach. However, the difference lies in what they believe makes a person healthy. In this world of health care, it is believed that all people have innate healing powers. The person is ultimately responsible for his or her own health and well-being.

In addition, there is a focus on finding the cause of the symptoms. Holistic doctors don't want to alleviate symptoms right away. For example, rather than taking Advil for a headache, a doctor will check to see if the person is hydrated and healthy. This will determine why a headache is present. Diet and exercise and the mental and emotional state of the subject, play vital roles in healthcare. Looking at all medications or treatment options that the provider will give help keep you healthy.

How Do You Know You’ve Found a Holistic Provider

There are doctors in the medical world that want to use the term holistic physician as a marketing tactic. For this reason, it can be important to know that you have the real deal if you are looking for a holistic healthcare provider. To ensure that you have found the real deal, you must make sure that they have a few things in mind each time they talk with you.

  1. Patient Education: Are they talking to you about lifestyle changes and self-care? Each time they work, the holistic provider should make sure your diet, exercise, emotion, mental, and social needs are being taken care of.
  2. Alternative Therapies: Though conventional therapies are sometimes necessary, talking to a doctor who knows both sides of the spectrum is part of the integrative medicine approach. For optimal health, you should know if your doctor is as comfortable recommending traditional Chinese medicine as they are conventional medicine.
  3. Western Medication: No doctor should avoid western medication completely. Understanding and using traditional medications and surgical procedures could save your life.

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