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Agape Nutrition Health Blog / gi tract

Bio-Film the Slime Monster Exists

Bio-Film the Slime Monster Exists

We learned Daniel had Autism just before his first 3rd birthday in 2008. Looking back all the signs were there from the beginning. Along with typical behavioral signs, there were many medical symptoms as well. Colic, Chronic ear infections, Athletes Foot, Insomnia, and the most associative were irregular bowel movements. Daniel maybe had one solid poop during the first three years of his life.
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Foods To Eat And Avoid While On A Candida Diet

Foods To Eat And Avoid On A Candida Diet

Reduce the risk of Candida overgrowth that often leads to infection by starting your Candida diet today. Read on for our list of foods to eat and avoid below. In this article: What to Eat What Not to Eat Candida Diet | What's Good to Eat and What's Not Candida albicans Definition: A part of the human body's natural flora along the GI tract, vagina, and mouth, but
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Autism Treatment | Biofilm the Slime Monster Exists

Autism Treatment | Biofilm the Slime Monster Exists

What is biofilm? A biofilm is a group of microorganisms that group together and stick together on a surface. These may include fungi and bacteria. Together, they produce a slimy lining that prevents the growth of normal flora. In patients with a leaky gut, a biofilm acts as a shield for the yeast that's building up in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, anti-fungal
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