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Agape Nutrition Health Blog / Healthy weight loss

The Holistic Route to Healthy Weight Loss: A Natural Blend of Wisdom and Wellness 🌱🏋️‍♀️

The Holistic Route to Healthy Weight Loss: A Natural Blend of Wisdom and Wellness 🌱🏋️‍♀️

Navigating the path to weight loss often seems like a maze of diets and exercises, with the terms 'healthy weight loss' and 'metabolism' intermingling yet playing unique roles. Healthy weight loss is a steady endeavor, emphasizing a balanced diet and regular activity, unlike the fleeting allure of fad diets.
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Intermittent Fasting-Fact or Fad

Intermittent Fasting-Fact or Fad

Intermittent fasting is the new buzz in the weight loss world. Beyond that, this strategy also shows promise in reducing risks for chronic lifestyle diseases. However, what we need to know is what intermittent fasting is, how it works, and is there solid science to back it up? Or is it just a fad?
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Healthy Goal Setting for Physical Health

Healthy Goal Setting for Physical Health

Looking to lose weight is a common goal. When looking to get healthier, it’s normal to think you should lose as much as you can as fast as you can. There are TV shows and celebrity diets touting this very idea. However, just as your mother might have told you not to believe everything you read, these diets might be doing more harm than good. Safe & Long Term
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