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Articles / amino acid

MTHFR Gene Mutation FAQs

MTHFR Gene Mutation FAQs

MTHFR gene mutation gives directions in creating the MTHFR enzyme known as the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. With this, learning about the MTHFR symptoms, indicators, and vaccines to avoid MTHFR becomes crucial. So, upon getting many calls at our office about MTHFR symptoms and MTHFR gene mutation, here are the common questions we get and our answers. MTHFR Symptoms |
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What is Gluten?

What is Gluten?

What is gluten? How does gluten affect the body? While being a binder or glue in food such as wheat, rye, barley, and other baked goods, gluten also carries a nature that can bring about "gluten ailments." As we move along, we will have an in-depth understanding of what gluten is exactly. We will also see the importance of a gluten-free diet and the ways it can affect our
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