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Articles / blood pressure

S.A.D and How Supplements & Outdoor Time Can Help

Beating S.A.D With Supplements and Outdoor Time

Do you feel like you get more depressed in the winter? If so, chances are you are not crazy! Great news, right? What’s better - there are simple ways to beat seasonal depression. First, let’s backtrack. Why are you getting sad during the winter in the first place?  Seasonal Affective Disorder Chances are, you are suffering from something called seasonal affective disorder. In
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What Happens With Too Much Or Too Little Salt

What Happens With Too Much Or Too Little Salt?

Salt, or Sodium, is something we need in our diets to live. However, our body needs a very specific amount. Though guidelines recommend only 6g of salt per day, Americans often have an average of 8.5g each day.  This increased amount of salt can lead to all kinds of issues, including heart disease or high blood pressure. A question we often get is, how do I know if the salt 

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Lack of Health & Fitness in Midlife Connected to Decreased Brain Volume

Lack of Health & Fitness in Midlife Connected to Decreased Brain Volume

Studies suggest that we may put ourselves at more risk of cognitive decline if we don't maintain our health & fitness. They have proven the significant impact of lifestyle on one's physical health, but the decline in cognitive functioning seems to be inevitable as we grow old. And so, it is also important to look at how health & fitness affect our cognitive function and
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